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Monday 13 November 2017

Peter Okoye reveals the only way he can get back with his brother in P-Square

Peter Okoye reveals the only way he can get back with his brother in P-Square

      By Mark on 13 November 2017

In an exclusive chat with, Peter Okoye, revealed that the PSquare Clan can actually get back together, only if the “respect” that was initially in the team can be brought back.
Vibe: 18 years down the line-what would you say is your fondest memory of P-Square?
Peter: Ever since we started till date, it has been fun till like probably late 2013.
Is there anything you’re likely to miss?
Like I said, 30 children cannot continue to play together for 30 years. We are at a point where we no longer have respect for each other. It is not ego or pride; it’s respect… Respect as an individual, and as family. This is the best solution we could come to.
You guys have been together for quite a long time. Not many groups have done that. What helped the group last as long as it did?
Respect. It was respect all through. What made us grow was respect? Not because we’re brothers. Not even because we’re twins. It was because we had respect for each other.
We’ve seen videos of people crying on social media because they heard about the breakup. How do you think fans will handle this transition?

Change is constant. I always hear people say blood is thicker than water. I’m married. I did not select a wife for anybody. The question is, who is water? Are my brothers blood and my wife and kids the water? It’s like asking me who is priority. When was the last time your parents decided to look after their siblings more than you?
To the fans, we’re sorry. You don’t want to see P-Square on stage when they just fought back stage; pleasing you guys when we are not happy. I’ve tried many times to make it work but it did not work… I just had to give up for the sake of the respect of our individual families.
Is there a slight possibility that some day, we will get back the P-Square we used to know?
Of course. When the respect is back. When you stay apart for a while, the respect will come. We’ve lost it.
People will never understand but we’ve lost that respect. Like I said in the open letter, we will work in future but when we come back, it will be from respect. There was no respect that’s why there has been a back and forth. Aren’t you guys tired of it? If I tell you that P-Square is back now, people will say “You guys are tricking us”. Don’t play with people’s minds.
I don’t have any problem. All I said is that, have it at the back of your minds – P-Square is for the fans. Peter, Paul. Jude and family, is family.
People say why do I put my business on social media? If I say I am not dealing with this manager (Jude Okoye), it is for the public to know because it is the public that will still call and book a show with him.
I give him my respect as an older brother. I don’t have a problem with that but when you disrespect me based on the job, then there’s a problem. One thing I will never do when I come back to this life again is mix family with business.
Social media has indeed been utterly crazy. Everybody has an opinion about this matter. How have you managed this intrusion?
Whatever is out there, is what the fans need to know. Last year, nobody knew what was happening. “When are you guys releasing a song?”
They did not know we were fighting but we’d still go on stage and perform. All I wanted was to keep the family together but what the fans wanted was to have P-Square. We gave you guys P-Square even though the family had been fighting for about four years-even as of last year that we claimed we were back.
I cannot even face the shame of making the fans feel that we are okay. We are not okay. It’s not healthy. I don’t have any problem with their own family. The wives, everybody. I am cool with them. I don’t know what’s wrong. I don’t know why it looks as if the hatred is on my family. I’ve tried to ask them what the problem is but nobody is telling me anything.
It’s like saying Mr Charles and Mr James are business partners and they own a beverage factory together. Mr Charles and his partner work together but Mr Charles doesn’t like his partner’s family. All the time, he insults the family. All the time, he says sh*t about the family. All the time he doesn’t attend the family’s functions. Do you expect two of them to still be working together? Be honest with yourself.
Now it looks as if the most important thing is for the 2 partners to be in the business while they are fighting. They will come and smile to the people that everything is fine. It’s not fine. There’s a way you pinch someone; it will be painful at first and then later, you don’t even feel anything. I don’t feel it anymore.
What major lessons would you say you learnt while in the group that will be applied to your brand as Mr P?
Don’t put yourself in a corner. Let no one ever tell you “You cannot do it without me”. If there’s one thing I have learnt in all this, it is that being a man is not just having 2 balls. Being a man is about standing for your family. I cannot trade my family for anything, I’m sorry… They cannot trade their family for me. It’s like waking up and asking me “Your family and me; who is more important here?” And I throw the question to you and you cannot even answer it.
Do you think it’s possible for any music group to remain together till retirement?

It is not possible. It has never happened. Never. Some individuals decided to separate 2 individuals by saying this person Is better than this person but my motto is, if you steal from Peter to pay Paul, you’re paying P-Square. “Oh I hate this Peter.” Well if you see 2 of us on stage, with Peter on one side and Paul on the other side, you will watch the show like this. (He covers one side of his face with his phone).
The reason why I started responding to social media is because there was something that came out one time. I was advised “Peter do not say anything” but it’s affecting me today. When my brother put out that he sings and writes all the songs. I never responded but right now, there are 50% of our fans and some groups that believe Peter doesn’t sing. All because I wanted peace. But now if you say anything about me, I will respond. I don’t respond harshly if you’ve noticed. I’m not like last year. I decided to calm down because my family is more important here. I cannot trade my family. If you do not like it, don’t be my fan. If you do not like the fact that I am standing for my family, then you should not be my fan and I am serious about it. My brother is my twin, fine, but you keep asking me blood is thicker than water. Obviously you think Paul is my blood and my family is the water? You guys better be out of your minds.
Being apart is the best solution at the moment. It’s not pride. It’s not ego. It’s respect. We’ve lost it.
You can read the FULL Interview by Grabbing the October edition of Magazine.

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